我们的许多会员的首要财务目标是买房. 对于一些, 拥有一个房子似乎是一个遥不可及的梦想, but we are here to help you recognize that it is achievable and guide you to find the best solution for you. We are ready to help you achieve your goal from the first steps until closing and beyond. To help you break down the process, here are some essential tips for first-time homebuyers.


Before you start house hunting, take a close look at your financial situation. Determine your budget by evaluating your income, expenses, and existing debts. Doing this will give you a realistic idea of how much you can spend on a home. 重要的是 和抵押贷款专家谈谈 before you start looking for homes, as they can help you better understand your budget options. 你不希望找到一个家,却发现它超出了你的预算, 或者在你出价之前就把它卖掉. 为了大致了解月供是什么样的, 使用我们的免费抵押贷款报价工具.


提前一段时间开始为首付存钱. 而对于低首付和无首付的期权则没有必要, a larger down payment can result in better mortgage terms and lower monthly payments. 如果可能的话,目标至少是购房价格的20%.


Your credit score plays a crucial role in securing a favorable mortgage rate. 检查你的信用评分,如果需要的话,努力改善它. 清偿未偿债务, 避免开新的信用账户, 确保你的信用报告是准确的. 在阿伯金融,我们提供 免费信用检查 to help you understand your credit and learn how to make it work for you and improve it.


Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is a crucial step in the home-buying process. It gives you a clear understanding of how much you can borrow and helps sellers take your offer seriously. 与朋友交谈 抵押贷款专家 能帮你更好地理解你的选择吗, and they can answer any questions you may have while applying for pre-approval.



当涉及到家庭时,确定你的必需品和交易破坏者. Consider features like: location, size, amenities, and work needed after moving in. 知道你的优先级将会简化你的搜索并节省你的时间. 深入研究潜在的社区也很重要. Look into things like: safety, schools, amenities, HOA, and future development plans. Take the time to visit the neighborhoods you're interested in to get a feel for the community.


A qualified real estate agent can be your greatest asset in the home-buying process. They know the market, can negotiate on your behalf, and guide you through the paperwork. 选择一个了解你的需求和优先事项的代理. 有一个代理人也可以帮助你完成第三点. 如果你不知道从哪里开始找经纪人, 我们的许多抵押贷款发起人都有与他们合作的亲戚, 让这个过程对你来说更容易.


Beyond the purchase price, there are additional costs associated with buying a home. 记住要考虑成交成本, 房产税, 房产保险, 潜在的维护费用. 意识到这些成本将防止任何财务意外. 最佳实践建议占这些成本的7-10%.


投资 in an in-depth home inspection once you find a home you're interested in. 检查将有助于发现房产的任何潜在问题, giving you the opportunity to negotiate repairs or reconsider your decision. 十大最好的网赌平台检查绝不是个好主意!


在做如此重大的投资时,不要着急. 不要急于做出决定. 在出价之前要考虑房子的各个方面, 耐心地寻找适合你的人. Talk closely with your realtor to make sure you are making the best decision for you. 不要害怕和你的房地产经纪人谈判. 做好妥协的准备,但也要坚定自己的优先事项.


Familiarize yourself with the closing process to avoid any last-minute surprises. Ensure you understand all the documents you're signing and ask questions if something is unclear. 顺利结账是正式成为房主的最后一步. 在阿伯,我们的 按揭贷款发起人 will work closely with you and your realtor during the closing and will be a great, 乐于助人的联系人.


选择房子时要考虑你的长期计划. Think about your future lifestyle, family growth, and potential career changes. Choosing a home that aligns with your future goals can save you from having to move again in a few years and will make sure you’re in your dream home for a while. 如果你想买一套房子,并觉得你可能会在几年内搬家, 考虑和你的抵押贷款专家谈谈 手臂抵押贷款.


一旦你成功地关闭了你的新家,负责任地庆祝一下. 避免做出重大的财务决定或承担额外的债务. Take the time to settle into your new home and gradually make any necessary upgrades or changes. It is also important to remember not to make any big financial purchases before the closing. 这样做可能会导致购房失败.

买第一套房子是一件大事, 但是有了计划和专家的指导, 这是一次有益的经历. 通过遵循这些建议, you'll be better equipped to navigate the complexities of the real estate market and make a well-informed decision that suits your needs and financial situation. 想了解更多关于购买第一套住房的信息, 跟我们的抵押贷款专家谈谈, 下载我们的免费首次购房者电子书, or 点击这里 了解按揭选择.

